Community GyM:
Engaging our parents
Parents play a huge role in the development of Growth Mindset. Find out how Grow Your Mindset get them involved.
Pupil Workshops
To share key Growth Mindset principles
To involve parents in the setting's vision
To develop strong communication and home/ school links
Oh, and to show parents how amazing their children are!
To communicate your setting's vision and to embrace the wider community into your journey, we offer workshops for parents, carers, lunch time supervisors, administrators, governors and even the caretaker! They are just as an important part of the journey as pupils and staff and with their involvement the impact and consistency is increased dramatically. It's an important ingredient to ensure your vision goes from strength to strength.
We have received feedback from parents and carers who have noted that since changing their own mindset and being more reflective, it has made positive changes on their home life and their wider family.
Remember, a great team is many hands, one mind.
Pupil workshop pricing
Community GyM is delivered in our unique, engaging, energetic style by Liz.
We can deliver to any audience size and encourage as many parents to be involved as possible. We always find that if the children are involved, the more parents come.
*We do add travel accommodation where necessary
Here are a few links to some lovely resources to help you keep things bubbling along!
Stories To Tell
Videos To Watch
Songs To Sing
Free Resources

Parents of St Andrew's CE First School - below are the recorded sessions from the workshops organised by school. I hope you find these informative, fruitful and they provide food for thought - ENJOY!